"Summer Bouquet of Roses, Dahlias...."
"Summer Bouquet of Roses, Dahlias...."

19"wx 13"h

Bouquet IV — Curcumas, Alliums, Lilacs
Bouquet IV — Curcumas, Alliums, Lilacs

11"w x 14"h Watercolor 2012  Write here...

Bouquet I — a "Heart"of Curcumas, Alliums & Lilacs
Bouquet I — a "Heart"of Curcumas, Alliums & Lilacs

11"w x 14"h Watercolor 2012


Bouquet II —  Curcumas, Alliums & Lilacs
Bouquet II — Curcumas, Alliums & Lilacs

11"w x 14"h Watercolor 2012  

Bouquet V — Curcumas, Alliums, Lilacs
Bouquet V — Curcumas, Alliums, Lilacs

11"w x 14"h Watercolor 2012  

Bouquet III - Curcumas, Alliums, Liiacs
Bouquet III - Curcumas, Alliums, Liiacs

11"w x 14"h Watercolor 2012  

"Mums, Dalhias & Gerbers Bouquet"
"Mums, Dalhias & Gerbers Bouquet"

20"w x 14"h Watercolor


"Summer Medley of Sunflowers, Mums...."
"Summer Medley of Sunflowers, Mums...."

20"w  x  14"w

"Dahlia Medley Summer Bouquet"
"Dahlia Medley Summer Bouquet"

14"w  x   20"h Watercolor

Foxgloves and Hyacinths
Foxgloves and Hyacinths

14"w  x  20"h

"Tulips, Lilacs and Roses Bouquet"
"Tulips, Lilacs and Roses Bouquet"

2-"w  x 14"h

"Summer Bouquet of Roses, Dahlias...."
Bouquet IV — Curcumas, Alliums, Lilacs
Bouquet I — a "Heart"of Curcumas, Alliums & Lilacs
Bouquet II —  Curcumas, Alliums & Lilacs
Bouquet V — Curcumas, Alliums, Lilacs
Bouquet III - Curcumas, Alliums, Liiacs
"Mums, Dalhias & Gerbers Bouquet"
"Summer Medley of Sunflowers, Mums...."
"Dahlia Medley Summer Bouquet"
Foxgloves and Hyacinths
"Tulips, Lilacs and Roses Bouquet"
"Summer Bouquet of Roses, Dahlias...."

19"wx 13"h

Bouquet IV — Curcumas, Alliums, Lilacs

11"w x 14"h Watercolor 2012  Write here...

Bouquet I — a "Heart"of Curcumas, Alliums & Lilacs

11"w x 14"h Watercolor 2012


Bouquet II — Curcumas, Alliums & Lilacs

11"w x 14"h Watercolor 2012  

Bouquet V — Curcumas, Alliums, Lilacs

11"w x 14"h Watercolor 2012  

Bouquet III - Curcumas, Alliums, Liiacs

11"w x 14"h Watercolor 2012  

"Mums, Dalhias & Gerbers Bouquet"

20"w x 14"h Watercolor


"Summer Medley of Sunflowers, Mums...."

20"w  x  14"w

"Dahlia Medley Summer Bouquet"

14"w  x   20"h Watercolor

Foxgloves and Hyacinths

14"w  x  20"h

"Tulips, Lilacs and Roses Bouquet"

2-"w  x 14"h

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